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The QUnit API is used for writing and running unit tests in JavaScript. It provides a simple and effective way to test code, ensuring its correctness and reliability.

Basic Usage

import { qunit, runner } from "sdk/qunit";

qunit.module('Module 1:');

qunit.test("Test 1", function (assert) {
    assert.ok(true, 'Passing assertion');
    assert.ok(false, 'Failing assertion');

In the provided example, a test module named "Module 1" is defined, and within it, a test named "Test 1" is defined. The test function contains two assertions, one passing and one failing. Finally, the function is called to execute the tests.

This will output the test results, indicating which tests passed and which ones failed.


Function Description Returns
module(name) Register a module by name string
test(title, group) Register a group of tests string