HTML (*.html
) artefacts represent static web pages or templates within the project. These files contain markup, styles, and possibly scripting code that define the structure and presentation of web content.
File extension: *.html
HTML artefacts serve the following purposes:
Web Page Definition: HTML files define the structure and content of web pages within the project. They contain elements such as headers, paragraphs, lists, links, images, and other HTML tags to create the visual layout of the page.
User Interface (UI) Templating: HTML templates are often used to define reusable UI components or layouts that can be shared across multiple pages or views within the application. They provide a consistent look and feel for the user interface.
Client-Side Scripting: HTML files may include client-side scripting code, such as JavaScript, to add interactivity and dynamic behavior to web pages. This scripting code can handle user interactions, manipulate the DOM, and communicate with server-side components.
HTML artefacts are typically used for the following purposes:
Static Web Pages: Developers use HTML files to create static web pages with fixed content and layout. These pages are often used for informational purposes or to display static content that doesn't change frequently.
UI Templating: HTML templates are employed to define reusable UI components, layouts, or partial views that can be dynamically included or rendered within other pages or views. This promotes code reuse and modular design.
Client-Side Interactivity: HTML files may contain JavaScript code to implement client-side logic and interactivity. This can include form validation, event handling, DOM manipulation, and AJAX requests to interact with server-side components.
HTML (*.html
) artefacts are essential components of web development projects, providing the foundation for creating static web pages, defining UI templates, and implementing client-side interactivity. By leveraging HTML, developers can create engaging web experiences with rich content and dynamic functionality.
For detailed usage instructions and best practices, refer to web development resources and documentation on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.