Git Client
The Git Client API provides developers with a set of functions to interact with Git repositories, allowing them to perform various operations such as initializing repositories, committing changes, cloning repositories, and more. This documentation covers the basic usage, functions, and objects available in the Git Client API.
Basic Usage
The following example demonstrates the basic usage of the Git Client API:
import { client } from "sdk/git"
const user = "developer";
const email = "";
const workspaceName = "workspace";
const projectName = "project";
const repositoryName = projectName;
const initialCommitMessage = "Initial commit";
const commitMessage = "Second commit";
const add = true;
client.initRepository(user, email, workspaceName, projectName, repositoryName, initialCommitMessage);
client.commit(user, email, workspaceName, repositoryName, commitMessage, add);
initRepository(user, email, workspaceName, projectName, repositoryName, commitMessage)
Initializes a repository in the selected project.
commit(user, userEmail, workspaceName, repositoryName, commitMessage, add)
Creates a new commit in the selected project repository.
Returns all git repositories in the selected workspace.
getHistory(repositoryName, workspaceName, path)
Returns git history for the selected repository.
deleteRepository(workspaceName, repositoryName)
Deletes git repository.
cloneRepository(workspaceName, repositoryUri, username, password, branch)
Clones repository from given URL in selected workspace.
pull(workspaceName, repositoryName, username, password)
Pull current branch of selected repository.
push(workspaceName, repositoryName, username, password)
Push current branch to origin.
checkout(workspaceName, repositoryName, branchName)
Checkout given branch.
createBranch(workspaceName, repositoryName, branchName, startingPoint)
Creates a new branch.
hardReset(workspaceName, repositoryName)
Hard reset current branch.
rebase(workspaceName, repositoryName, branchName)
Rebase selected branch.
status(workspaceName, repositoryName)
Get selected repository status.
getBranch(workspaceName, repositoryName)
Get current branch.
getLocalBranches(workspaceName, repositoryName)
Get list of local branches.
getRemoteBranches(workspaceName, repositoryName)
Get list of remote branches.
getUnstagedChanges(workspaceName, repositoryName)
Get unstaged changes for selected repository.
getStagedChanges(workspaceName, repositoryName)
Get staged changes for selected repository.
getFileContent(workspaceName, repositoryName, filePath, revStr)
Get the content of selected file.
Function | Description | Returns |
initRepository(user, email, workspaceName, projectName, repositoryName, commitMessage) | Initializes a repository in the selected project | - |
commit(user, userEmail, workspaceName, repositoryName, commitMessage, add) | Creates a new commit in the selected project repository | - |
getGitRepositories(workspaceName) | Returns all git repositories in the selected workspace | Projects |
getHistory(repositoryName, workspaceName, path) | Returns git history for the selected repository | GitCommitInfoList |
deleteRepository(workspaceName, repositoryName) | Deletes git repository | - |
cloneRepository(workspaceName, repositoryUri, username, password, branch) | Clones repository from given URL in selected workspace | - |
pull(workspaceName, repositoryName, username, password) | Pull current branch of selected repository | - |
push(workspaceName, repositoryName, username, password) | Push current branch to origin | - |
checkout(workspaceName, repositoryName, branchName) | Checkout given branch | - |
createBranch(workspaceName, repositoryName, branchName, startingPoint) | Creates a new branch | - |
hardReset(workspaceName, repositoryName) | Hard reset current branch | - |
rebase(workspaceName, repositoryName, branchName) | Rebase selected branch | - |
status(workspaceName, repositoryName) | Get selected repository status | Status |
getBranch(workspaceName, repositoryName) | Get current branch | String |
getLocalBranches(workspaceName, repositoryName) | Get list of local branches | Branches |
getRemoteBranches(workspaceName, repositoryName) | Get list of remote branches | Branches |
getUnstagedChanges(workspaceName, repositoryName) | Get unstaged changes for selected repository | GitChangedFiles |
getStagedChanges(workspaceName, repositoryName) | Get staged changes for selected repository | GitChangedFiles |
getFileContent(workspaceName, repositoryName, filePath, revStr) | Get the content of selected file | String |
Function | Description | Returns |
size() | Returns the size of this GitCommitInfoList programmatically | integer |
get(index) | Gets a GitCommitInfo by index programmatically | GitCommitInfo |
Function | Description | Returns |
getId() | Gets the id of the commit | string |
getAuthor() | Gets the author of the commit | string |
getEmailAddress() | Gets the author's email address | string |
getDateTime() | Gets the date and time of the commit | string |
getMessage() | Gets the commit's message | string |
Function | Description | Returns |
isClean() | Checks whether the repository is clean | boolean |
getAdded() | Gets added files | array of strings |
getChanged() | Gets changed files | array of strings |
getRemoved() | Gets removed files | array of strings |
getMissing() | Gets missing files | array of strings |
getUntracked() | Gets untracked files | array of strings |
getUntrackedFolders() | Gets untracked folders | array of strings |
getConflicting() | Gets conflicting files | array of strings |
getIgnoredNotInIndex() | Get ignored files | array of strings |
getUncommittedChanges() | Get uncommited changes | array of strings |
Function | Description | Returns |
size() | Returns the size of this Branches list programmatically | integer |
get(index) | Gets a Branch by index programmatically | Branch |
Function | Description | Returns |
getName() | Gets the name of the branch | string |
isRemote() | Checks whether the branch is remote | boolean |
isCurrent | Checks whether the branch is current | boolean |
getCommitObjectId() | Gets the commit's object id | string |
getCommitShortId() | Gets the commit's short id | string |
getCommitDate() | Gets the commit's data | string |
getCommitMessage() | Gets the commit's message | string |
getCommitAuthor | Gets the commit's author name | string |
Function | Description | Returns |
size() | Returns the size of this GitChangedFiles list programmatically | integer |
get(index) | Gets a GitChangedFile by index programmatically | GitChangedFile |
Function | Description | Returns |
getPath() | Gets the path of the changed file | string |