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File extension: *.openapi


In the codbex platform, the *.openapi artifact is used to define an OpenAPI-compliant specification for a given RESTful service. This specification contributes to the global Swagger descriptor for the server instance, providing a standardized way to document and describe the RESTful APIs exposed by the codbex application.

Here's an overview of its usage:

OpenAPI Specification:

The OpenAPI Specification (OAS), formerly known as Swagger Specification, is a standardized format to describe and document RESTful APIs. The *.openapi artifact in the platform allows developers to provide an OpenAPI-compliant specification for a specific RESTful service.

Global Swagger Descriptor:

The OpenAPI specification contributed by the *.openapi artifact becomes part of the global Swagger descriptor for the server instance. The global Swagger descriptor aggregates the OpenAPI specifications of all RESTful services, providing a centralized and comprehensive API documentation.


// products.openapi
    "openapi": "3.0.0",
    "info": {
        "version": "1.0.0",
        "title": "Products API",
        "description": "RESTful API for managing products"
    "paths": {
        "/products": {
            "get": {
                "summary": "Get the list of products",
                "operationId": "getProducts",
                "responses": {
                    "200": {
                        "description": "Successful response",
                        "content": {
                            "application/json": {
                                "example": {
                                    "productId": 1,
                                    "productName": "Example Product",
                                    "price": 19.99


  • openapi (String): Specifies the version of the OpenAPI Specification. In this example, it is set to 3.0.0.
  • info (Object): Contains metadata information about the API.
    • version (String): Specifies the version of the API.
    • title (String): Provides a title for the API.
    • description (String): Offers a description of the API.
  • paths (Object): Defines the available paths and operations within the API.
  • Path Definition:
    • Operation (e.g., get): Specifies the HTTP method for the operation, and the associated details, such as summary, operationId, and responses.
  • operationId (String): Represents a unique identifier for the operation. It is commonly used to generate client SDKs.
  • responses (Object): Describes the possible responses for the operation.
    • 200 (Object): Represents a successful response with the associated description and content.
    • content (Object): Defines the content type and an example of the response payload.


Standardized Documentation:

OpenAPI specifications provide a standardized way to document RESTful APIs, making it easier for developers and consumers to understand and interact with the APIs.

Centralized Swagger Descriptor:

The OpenAPI specifications contributed by various *.openapi artifacts are centralized in the global Swagger descriptor, providing a comprehensive view of all APIs exposed by the server instance.

API Versioning and Metadata:

OpenAPI specifications include metadata such as API version, title, and description, helping in versioning and providing essential information about the API.

Getting Started:

Create an *.openapi File:

Create a new *.openapi file or modify an existing one based on your specific RESTful service.

Define OpenAPI Specification:

Use the OpenAPI Specification (OAS) to define details such as the API version, title, description, paths, and operations.

Reference in RESTful Service Configuration:

Reference the *.openapi file in the configuration of the corresponding RESTful service (e.g., *.js file).

Deploy and Access Swagger UI:

Deploy your codbex application and access the Swagger UI endpoint (/api-docs) to view the centralized Swagger documentation, including your API.


The *.openapi artifact in the codbex platform allows developers to provide OpenAPI-compliant specifications for their RESTful services, contributing to the global Swagger descriptor. This standardized documentation enhances API discoverability and fosters a consistent and well-documented API development process.