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The provided TypeScript module Procedure facilitates the execution of stored procedures in a database. It includes methods for creating and executing stored procedures.

Here's an explanation of the key components:

ProcedureParameter Interface:

export interface ProcedureParameter {
    readonly type: string;
    readonly value: any;

This interface represents a parameter that can be used in a stored procedure call. It includes the type of the parameter (string) and its value (any).

Procedure Class:

The `Procedure`` class provides static methods for creating and executing stored procedures.



create(sql: string, datasourceName?: string): void

Creates a stored procedure using an Update operation. (Assumed to be part of the Update class, as Update.execute is used.)


  • sql: The SQL statement for creating the stored procedure.
  • datasourceName: (Optional) The name of the data source.


execute(sql: string, parameters: (string | number | ProcedureParameter)[] = [], datasourceName?: string): any[]

Executes a stored procedure and returns the result sets.


  • sql: The SQL statement for executing the stored procedure.
  • parameters: (Optional) An array of parameters to be included in the stored procedure call. Parameters can be of type string, number, or an object conforming to the ProcedureParameter interface.
  • datasourceName: (Optional) The name of the data source.
  • Return Value: An array containing the result sets of the stored procedure execution.

Example Usage:


To use procedures you need to add database that supports them (default DB is H2 that does not support procedures):

  1. Open Database perspective and click on Databases at the bottom.
  2. Click New and add your database information.
  3. Use you newly added database in most methods as databaseType.

Create Procedure:

import { procedure } from "sdk/db";
import { response } from "sdk/http";

const sql = " \
CREATE PROCEDURE CUSTOMERS_BY_COUNTRY_AND_ALL_CUSTOMERS(c_id integer, c_name text, c_country text) \
AS $$ \
  INSERT INTO CUSTOMERS(id, name, country) values (c_id, c_name, c_country); \
$$; \

procedure.create(sql, "psql");

response.println("Procedure created");

Call Procedure:

import { query, procedure } from "sdk/db";
import { response } from "sdk/http";

const sql = "CALL CUSTOMERS_BY_COUNTRY_AND_ALL_CUSTOMERS(c_id => ?, c_name => ?, c_country => ?)";

try {
    procedure.execute(sql, [6, "IBM", "USA"], "psql");
} finally {
    let result = query.execute("SELECT * FROM CUSTOMERS", [], "psql");



Function Description Returns
create(sql, datasourceName?) Creates a SQL Stored Procedure in the selected datasourceName, throws Error, if issue occur -
execute(sql, parameters?, datasourceName?) Execute SQL Stored Procedure in the selected datasourceName with the provided parameters and returns the result, if any array of arrays

Sample Parameters Array:

let parameters = [1, 'John', 34.56];


let parameters = [
    value: 1,
    type: "int"
  }, {
    value: 'John',
    type: "string"
  }, {
    value: 34.56
    type: "double"