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JavaScript Engine


The JavaScript Engine in the codbex platform empowers developers to write server-side scripts, APIs, and business logic using the JavaScript language. This documentation provides an in-depth overview of the JavaScript Engine's capabilities and its underlying framework, GraalJS.

JavaScript Engine Features

Server-Side Scripting

The JavaScript Engine allows developers to execute server-side scripts, enabling the creation of dynamic and scalable applications. Scripts can be embedded within the projects to handle various backend functionalities.


// Simple JavaScript Function
function greet(name) {
    return "Hello, " + name + "!";

API Development

Developers can use the JavaScript Engine to build RESTful services and APIs. The platform provides a set of APIs and tools to handle HTTP requests, database interactions, and other server-side operations.


// RESTful API Endpoint
import { rs } from "sdk/http";

    .get(function (_context, _request, response) {
        response.println("Hello there!");

ES6 Syntax Support

The JavaScript Engine fully supports ECMAScript 6 (ES6) syntax, allowing developers to use modern JavaScript features for cleaner and more efficient code.


// ES6 Arrow Function
const addNumbers = (a, b) => a + b;

// Destructuring Assignment
const { firstName, lastName } = person;

Underlying Framework: GraalJS

The JavaScript Engine in the codbex platform is built on the GraalVM (GraalJS) framework. GraalVM is a high-performance runtime that provides support for multiple languages, including JavaScript.

Key features of GraalJS:

Just-In-Time Compilation (JIT)

GraalJS employs JIT compilation to dynamically translate JavaScript code into machine code for improved execution speed. This compilation strategy enhances performance and responsiveness.

Polyglot Integration

GraalVM allows polyglot programming, enabling the seamless integration of multiple languages within the same application. Developers can leverage JavaScript alongside other languages supported by GraalVM.

Ahead-of-Time Compilation (AOT)

GraalVM supports Ahead-of-Time compilation, enabling the pre-compilation of JavaScript code into native machine code. This feature enhances startup performance and reduces memory footprint.

Native Image Generation

GraalVM's native image generation capabilities enable the creation of lightweight and standalone executable binaries. This is particularly useful for optimizing the deployment and distribution of applications.