Using codbex Hyperion you can easily implement BPM (Business process management) applications in a few minutes.

In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how you can implement an application for leave requests.

A simple leave request application

Let’s have the following use cases:

  • employees who report to employee managers
  • employees want to submit leave requests for a particular period using a modern user interface
  • employee managers must be the only one who can approve or decline these requests
  • employee managers want to receive emails when a new request is submitted
  • employees want to receive an email when their requests are processed (approved or declined)

Implementation steps

Follow the steps below or watch the recorded video.

  1. Start a Hyperion instance using Docker
    Open your terminal and execute the following:
     # mount a volume to preserve your changes during the image restarts
     IMAGE_VERSION='1.0.7' # use version 1.0.7 or later
     docker run --name codbex-hyperion --rm -p 80:80 \
         -v "$HYPERION_WORKSPACE_DIR:/target/dirigible" \$IMAGE_VERSION
  2. Open Hyperion and create a simple BPM project starter
    • open Hyperion at http://localhost
    • login using the default user - username: admin, password: admin
    • At the Welcome view search for BPM and select BPM Project Starter template. If the view is missing - Window -> Show View -> Welcome
    • type project, file name (process name) and process identifier - for example leave-request, leave-request-process and leave-request-id steps-template-data.png
    • click on Ok button
    • a BPM project starter will be automatically generated for you
  3. Let’s see what was generated
    • leave-request-process.bpmn is a simple BPM process with a single JavaScript service tasks
      • to have a JavaScript service task in Hyperion, you have to
        • set Delegate Expression to ${JSTask} steps-js-task.png
        • specify the path of your JS task using class field called handler. For example leave-request/tasks/my-service-task.ts steps-field-task.png
    • tasks/my-service-task.ts is the task code which will be executed when task MyServiceTask is executed
    • api/ProcessService.ts is REST API which has only one method for triggering a new process instance
    • trigger-new-process.form is modeler for a form which will trigger an instance of the generated process trigger-process-form.png
      • In the Code tab, you can find the controller code and the method which is executed when the Trigger button is clicked.
        It basically sends the form data to the generated REST API for process triggering steps-form-code-tab.png
  4. Next, you have to generate a usable UI from the form
    • open the form trigger-new-process.form
    • click on Regenerate button
  5. Now, let’s check whether the generated project works.
    • navigate to generated gen/trigger-new-process/forms/trigger-new-process/index.html file and double-click on it
    • you should see the form in the Preview tab
      If it is easier for you, you can open the form in a separate browser tab http://localhost/services/web/leave-request/gen/trigger-new-process/forms/trigger-new-process/index.html.
      The result will be the same.
    • add values for the input fields Parameter 1 and Parameter 2
    • click on Trigger button
    • you should see a message which confirms that a process instance is triggered asynchronously steps-triggered-process.png
      • Also, a log from the executed task tasks/my-service-task.ts should be available in the console once the task is executed steps-task-logged-message.png
  6. BPM process

    We want to implement a process which has:
    • a service tasks which sends a notification email to all employee managers when a new leave request is submitted (a new process instance is created)
    • a user task which waits for an employee manger to process (approve/decline) the leave request
    • an exclusive gateway which routes the flow to different service task depending on a variable called requestApproved
    • a task which notifies the requester that the request is approved
    • a task which notifies the requester that the request is declined

      In the end it will look like this: steps-process.png
  7. Model the BPM process
    Let’s open the process leave-request-process.bpmn and modify it
    1. Employee managers notification task
      • select task MyServiceTask
      • set Id to notify-approvers
      • set Name to Notify approvers
      • edit Class fields and change String value from leave-request/tasks/my-service-task.ts to leave-request/tasks/notify-approvers-task.ts
      • save the process file using the Save the model button
      • rename file tasks/my-service-task.ts to tasks/notify-approvers-task.ts
      • create a mail util file mail-util.ts in folder tasks with this content for sending emails or logging (if the mail configurations are not present)
      • delete the content of tasks/notify-approvers-task.ts and put this content
    2. Process request task
      • drag and drop a User task from Activities
      • set Id to process-request
      • set Name to Process request
      • We need to specify who can process this user task. For now, let’s set Assignments to candidate group called ADMINISTRATOR. Later on, we will create a dedicated group for employee managers. steps-user-task-assignments.png
      • connect service task Notify approvers to Process request
    3. Add exclusive gateway
      • drag and drop a Exclusive gateway from Gateways
      • connect user task Process request to the gateway
    4. Approved request notification task
      • drag and drop a Service task from Activities
      • set Id to send-approved-notification
      • set Name to Send approved notification
      • set ${JSTask} for Delegate Expression
      • add class field with name handler and string value leave-request/tasks/send-approved-notification.ts set-handler.png
      • create a file called send-approved-notification.ts in folder tasks with this content
      • connect the gateway with Send approved notification task
      • select the flow arrow and set
      • Id to approved-flow
      • ${requestApproved} for Flow condition. This flow will be executed only when there is a process variable requestApproved with value true steps-approved-flow.png
        - connect task Send approved notification to the end event
        - save the process
    5. Declined request notification task
      • drag and drop a Service task from Activities
      • set Id to send-declined-notification
      • set Name to Send declined notification
      • set ${JSTask} for Delegate Expression
      • add class field with name handler and string value leave-request/tasks/send-declined-notification.ts
      • create a file called send-declined-notification.ts in folder tasks with this content
      • connect the gateway with Send declined notification task
      • select the flow arrow
        • set Id to declined-flow
        • select Default flow checkbox
      • connect task Send declined notification to the end event
      • save the process
        Here is the final version of the process: steps-modeled-process.png
        If you have any issues with the modeling, you can right-click on process file leave-request-process.bpmn -> Open With -> Code Editor and put the file content from this link.
  8. Implement REST API
    Open api/ProcessService.ts and replace the content with this one.
    It uses the BPM and security APIs to trigger a new leave request process, approve/decline a request and to get details about a request.

    Here are the implemented APIs:
    • create a new leave request
      curl --header 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=' \
       --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
       --location 'http://localhost/services/ts/leave-request/api/ProcessService.ts/requests' \
       --data '{
         "fromDate": "2024-07-18T09:39:43.638Z",
         "toDate": "2024-07-19T09:39:43.638Z"
    • approve a leave request
      curl --header 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=' \
      --location --request PUT 'http://localhost/services/ts/leave-request/api/ProcessService.ts/requests/46/approve'
    • decline a leave request
      curl --header 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=' \
      --location --request PUT 'http://localhost/services/ts/leave-request/api/ProcessService.ts/requests/46/decline'
    • get leave request details
      curl --header 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=' \
       --location 'http://localhost/services/ts/leave-request/api/ProcessService.ts/requests/46/details'
  9. Implement user interface for submitting new leave request
    You can create easily user interfaces using the codbex forms functionality.

    Let’s create our first form.
    • remove the generated form trigger-new-process.form and corresponding trigger-new-process.gen file, since we will create a new from scratch
    • right-click on project leave-request -> New -> Form Definition
    • type submit-leave-request.form for name
    • click on Create button
    • open the created file submit-leave-request.form
    • now, we see the form editor with empty content steps-empty-form.png
    • drag and drop header, two date fields for from and to dates and a Submit button steps-submit-form.png
    • update the labels
    • set fromDate for from date Model
    • set toDate for to date Model
    • set onSubmitClicked() for submit button Callback function configuration
    • the Code tab is the place where the controller logic resides
      • set initial date for fromDate and toDate
      • implement the function onSubmitClicked which will send the model data to the implemented REST API
      • here is the code which you need
           $scope.model.fromDate = new Date();
           $scope.model.toDate = new Date();
           $scope.onSubmitClicked = function () {
               const data = JSON.stringify($scope.model);
               $"/services/ts/leave-request/api/ProcessService.ts/requests", data)
                   .then(function (response) {
                       if (response.status != 202) {
                           alert(`Unable to create new leave request: '${response.message}'`);
                       alert("Leave request has been created.\nResponse: " + JSON.stringify(;
    • save the form using Save button
    • generate the UI
      • right-click on submit-leave-request.form -> Generate
      • choose template AngularJS Generator from Form Model steps-generate-from-template.png
      • click on OK button
      • close file submit-leave-request.form if it is opened
      • open submit-leave-request.form
      • click on Regenerate button under Designer tab steps-regenerate-button.png
      • the generated UI should be located in folder gen/submit-leave-request/forms/submit-leave-request
      • if you have issues with the form modeling, you can get the from code from here
  10. Implement user interface for leave request processing
    • create new form with name process-leave-request.form
    • drag and drop
      • header for the form title
      • text field for the requester
      • two date fields for from and to dates
      • Approve and Decline buttons steps-process-leave-request-form.png
    • update the labels
    • set requester for requester Model configuration
    • set fromDate for From date Model configuration
    • set toDate for To date Model configuration
    • set onApproveClicked() for approve button Callback function configuration
    • set onDeclineClicked() for decline button Callback function configuration
    • under the Code tab, put the following logic
         const url = new URL(window.location);
         const params = new URLSearchParams(;
         const taskId = params.get("taskId");
         $scope.onApproveClicked = function () {
             const url = `/services/ts/leave-request/api/ProcessService.ts/requests/${taskId}/approve`;
                 .then(function (response) {
                 if (response.status != 200) {
                     alert(`Unable to approve request: '${response.message}'`);
                 $scope.entity = {};
                 alert("Request Approved");
         $scope.onDeclineClicked = function () {
             const url = `/services/ts/leave-request/api/ProcessService.ts/requests/${taskId}/decline`;
                 .then(function (response) {
                 if (response.status != 200) {
                     alert(`Unable to decline request: '${response.message}'`);
                 $scope.entity = {};
                 alert("Request Declined");
         const detailsUrl = `/services/ts/leave-request/api/ProcessService.ts/requests/${taskId}/details`;
             .then(function (response) {
                 if (response.status != 200) {
                     alert(`Unable to get details for the request: '${response.message}'`);
                 const details =;
                 // fill details
                 $scope.model.requester = details.requester;
                 $scope.model.fromDate = new Date(details.fromDate);
                 $scope.model.toDate = new Date(details.toDate);
    • save the form using Save button
    • generate the UI
      • right-click on process-leave-request.form -> Generate
      • choose template AngularJS Generator from Form Model
      • click on OK button
      • close file process-leave-request.form if it is opened
      • open process-leave-request.form
      • click on Regenerate button under Designer tab
      • the generated UI should be located in folder leave-request/gen/process-leave-request/forms/process-leave-request
      • if you have issues with the form modeling, you can get the from code from here
    • now, we have to register the form in the BPM process
      • open the generated UI page gen/process-leave-request/forms/process-leave-request/index.html
      • copy the path /services/web/leave-request/gen/process-leave-request/forms/process-leave-request/index.html from the Preview tab steps-process-leave-request-preview.png
      • open leave-request-process.bpmn
      • select task Process request
      • set the copied path /services/web/leave-request/gen/process-leave-request/forms/process-leave-request/index.html to Form key configuration steps-process-form-key.png
  11. Mail configurations
    We will need some mail configurations if we want to send real emails. Otherwise, mails will be logged in the console.
    You can easily get a email testing account from
    Under Integration-> SMTP, you can find the needed credentials. mailtrap-configurations.png
    • for SMTP you need the following variables:
    Variable Name Description Example value
    DIRIGIBLE_MAIL_USERNAME username my_username
    DIRIGIBLE_MAIL_PASSWORD password my_password_123
    DIRIGIBLE_MAIL_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL transport protocol smtp
    DIRIGIBLE_MAIL_SMTP_AUTH whether authentication is required true/false true
    • for SMTPS you need the following variables:
    Variable Name Description Example value
    DIRIGIBLE_MAIL_USERNAME username my_username
    DIRIGIBLE_MAIL_PASSWORD password my_password_123
    DIRIGIBLE_MAIL_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL transport protocol smtps
    DIRIGIBLE_MAIL_SMTPS_AUTH whether authentication is required true/false true
    • to start the Hyperion image with the needed mail configurations use the following command
        IMAGE_VERSION='1.0.7' # use version 1.0.7 or later
        docker run --name codbex-hyperion --rm -p 80:80 \
            -v "$HYPERION_WORKSPACE_DIR:/target/dirigible" \
            -e DIRIGIBLE_MAIL_USERNAME=<username> \
            -e DIRIGIBLE_MAIL_PASSWORD=<pass> \
            -e \
            -e DIRIGIBLE_MAIL_SMTP_PORT=<port> \
            -e DIRIGIBLE_MAIL_SMTP_AUTH=true \
  12. Now, we can test our application
    1. Create new leave request
      • make sure that all files are saved
      • publish the project using Publish all button
      • wait until the project is published successfully
      • open the submit form at http://localhost/services/web/leave-request/gen/submit-leave-request/forms/submit-leave-request/index.html
      • select dates for From and To
      • click on Submit button
      • you should see a confirmation alert
      • a new email should be received in your mailbox new-leave-request-email.png
      • you can open the BPM perspective using the Processes Workspace button and check the created process
      • Here you can select our process instance (in my case the instance with id 5) and see that the process is stopped at user task Process request. It will wait there until the leave request is processed.
      • In Process Context tab you can check the process variables. In our case, there are values for the leave request.
      • the UI has a lot of useful views and actions which can help you to manage your BPM processes
    2. Process the submitted leave request
      • open the inbox UI at http://localhost/services/web/inbox/ or use the link from the email. Inbox UI is the place where you can find all tasks (BPM user tasks in our case) which are applicable for the current user. steps-process-inbox.png
      • select the created task and claim it using the Claim button
      • now, you can open the registered form for processing using the Open Form button open-form-button.png
      • when you click it, you will see the processing form which we implemented with details for the current request process-leave-request-form.png
      • let’s approve the request by clicking on Approve button
      • an alert for confirmation should be displayed approved-request.png
      • an email for the approved leave request should be received in your inbox approved-leave-request-email.png
  13. Authentication and authorization
    To make our application ready for production, we have to add authentication and authorization.
    With Hyperion it is an easy task.
    • Let’s define two roles employee and employee-manager
      • create a folder called security
      • right click on folder security -> New -> Roles Definitions
      • set name roles.roles
      • click Create button
      • open file roles.roles
      • edit the predefined entries to match our use case roles-file.png
      • save using the Save button
    • Now, we have to protect the created forms and exposed REST APIs.
      Here are the requirements:
      • users with employee role should have access to
        • submit form
        • REST API for creating new leave request (process instance)
      • users with employee-manager role should have access to
        • leave request processing form
        • REST API for approve/decline leave request
      • leave requests must be processable only by users with role employee-manager
        To implement these requirements
      • right click on folder security -> New -> Access Constraints
      • type access.access for name
      • open file access.access
      • edit the predefined constraints to match our use case access-constraints.png You can replace the content of the file with this one if it is easier for you.
        Now, let’s open the forms - submit form and process form submit-from-forbidden.png process-from-forbidden.png Both forms must be protected.
      • open the process leave-request-process.bpmn
      • select user task Process request
      • click on Assignments task-assignments.png
      • change Candidate groups from ADMINISTRATOR to employee-manager changed-assignments.png
      • click Save
      • save the process file
      • publish the project
  14. Create users for testing
    • Now, to test our scenario we need two users
      • employee user with role employee
      • employee manager user with role employee-manager
    • To create these users follow the steps:
      • open the security perspective using the Security button
      • create user with role employee in the default tenant employee-user.png
      • create user with role employee-manager in the default tenant employee-manager-user.png
  15. Finally, test the whole scenario again with the created users
    • open the submit form (you may need to logout first or open an incognito window) and login with the employee user
    • submit a new leave request employee-new-leave-request.png
    • check your mailbox employee-leave-request-email.png
    • open the inbox UI at http://localhost/services/web/inbox/ or use the link from the email (you may need to logout first or open an incognito window)
    • login with the employee manager user
    • claim the task and open the form using the Open Form button employee-manager-open-form.png
    • this time, let’s decline the request employee-manager-decline-task.png
    • check the mailbox employee-manager-declined-email.png

Congratulations, your application is ready!


Using Hyperion you can

  • implement simple and complicated BPM processes using Flowable
  • model modern user interfaces using forms (UI builder)
  • write code in TypeScript
  • use the comprehensive codbex SDK which uses different modern open source projects for messaging, jobs scheduling, REST, OData, mails etc.
  • benefit from the codbex platform, tooling and modules
  • add authentication and authorization to your application

The project we implemented can be found in this GitHub repository.

I hope you enjoyed this blog. Stay tuned for more great functionality by codbex!
If you have any questions, ideas or want to contribute, feel free to contact us.

Iliyan Velichkov

Iliyan likes SUP, rifle shooting and fishing.